Transition Sessions (Horse, Pet, or Animal)

$80.00 Per Session

$.56 Per Mile Round Trip after the first 25 miles (or 30 minutes approximately). Google map mileage will be used from my home to the location along with the session fee.

Distance/Remote Session Available

Transition Sessions

The meaning of the body having the ability to heal itself can mean more than a restoration of health. It may mean the body is able to support itself for the way that it is, for things that can't be "healed" or changed. Or unfortunately it is not always about becoming healthier in our bodily form.... it can also be about needing to transition and pass out of this world. This is something we do not like to think about whether it is us, our family, friends, or animals. Death doesn't have to be feared or scary. It can be calm and peaceful. With support and healing energy, both people and animals can share in a calm sacred space that allows a difficult time to be peaceful and beautiful. My modalities of Reiki, Shamanism, Pendulum Alchemy, and essential oils can be supportive and beneficial in these situations.

RIP handsome...And your little side kick Lacey...

Moon's person called me to in hopes of helping him with his health issues and if that wasn't going to be possible to help with his quality of life and passing when the time was right.

His little Corgi sidekick would meet me at my truck door. After petting her she would escort me inside the barn where Moon would great me at his stall, I would scratch his forehead and start my conversation with him with "Hey Handsome!" Yes I also cry for my lost clients who become

my friends...

Before and after his passing she had animal communication sessions with him and a communicator/friend of mine. She shared with me what he shared with her and the communicator and sent me this gorgeous photo she made for him along with a testimonial. He asked that I share them on my website so people could read how much my sessions meant to him, Lacey, and his family...

Transition Energy Sessions with Wellness With Infinite Heart

Here is what Moon said:

He loved your laugh and your smile. He appreciated that you always asked permission when doing energy work. Your communication style feels really good, and your energy was light but very strong. He loved that you do this work for the right reasons and it wasn’t ever about the money. He asked you to bring the horse pendulum to hold power for him. It was during the moon phase and had to do with the lunar cycle. He loved that you were a service to animals. He loved that you never quit. You kept trying.

"The sessions Pam spent with Moon (our horse) and Lacey (our dog) were full of so much care and patience. The sessions were all thought through, permission was always asked of my animals before she proceeded to do any energy work, light therapy, or essential oil use. Pam has a real gift to her approach with animals and the response they give her was rewarding to watch. They both loved to see her arrive at our home. While both of our animals were in their later stages of life, Pam helped them live a less painful life at the end with Reiki, light therapy and essential oils. I really appreciated the opportunity to witness and learn how all the healing modalities fit together. It was very clear Pam is here to serve animals. Pam was present when our dog passed and her assistance with helping her in the transition was so helpful. It brought a sense of calm to all of us allowing her transition to be very peaceful. Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts for being in their lives and we will be forever grateful for the relationship we all built with you. While it is emotional to write about, it was the coolest experience ever to bond in new ways with our animals and assist them to their next stage."

 -Joni Campidilli

Interested? Contact me for a session!

Prices are subject to change without notice