Session Information and Pricing

Horse, Pet, or Animal Sessions

$80.00 Per Session - Reiki

Add On Light or Photopuncture:


$.67 Per Mile Round Trip after the first 25 miles (or 30 minutes approximately).

Google map mileage will be used from my home to the location along with the session fee. Mileage will be split between multiple clients on the same trip.

Distance/Remote Sessions Available

Reiki and Pendulum Alchemy with Wellness With Infinite Heart

Water, proper nutrition and nutrients (including sun light) along with exercise and grounding with the Earth all help to keep us and our animals energetically balanced. This helps to keep our frequency up - the higher our frequencies the healthier we all are. Why would an animal or person need a session with me? Different things including stress, injury, illness, disease, our every day interactions with people, places, objects can prevent the proper flow of energy which causes our bodies to become unbalanced energetically. Using a combination of my tools during a session can help the energy to flow properly and in turn raise the body's frequency - whether it in done in person or over a distance remotely. My work can be very complementary to medical or veterinary care, etc along with other modalities that I do not do such as chiropractic, massage.... If the body has an issue that has been going on for quite sometime and is not responding to the protocol put into place, or it helps then doesn't, the protocol is changed, it helps for a while then doesn't again it is most likely because the energy flow or lack of will not let the healing that is trying to take place happen. Open up that energy flow so it will!

Cat receiving Photopuncture with Wellness With Infinite Heart
Person receiving Photopuncture with Wellness With Infinite Heart
Miniature Horse receiving Light Therapy with Infinite Heart
Distance Remote Reiki session with Wellness With Infinite Heart

Human Sessions

$80.00 Per Session - Reiki

Add On Light or Photopuncture:


$80.00 Per Session - Human Light Therapy (6 pads, front and back of body)

I prefer to do these at my home office unless we are doing sessions for a group. If distance is a problem a distance/remote session maybe done instead.

Reiki with Wellness With Infinite Heart

I can also provide personal sessions for yourself when I am working on your horse or pet if scheduled ahead of time. This would involve a separate session fee along with the animal's plus the mileage fee.

Have a group of people at your barn that would like to plan sessions for the same day? We could plan a day at the barn for multiple horses and people. This would involve separate sessions fees for everyone with the mileage being split between clients - or discounted if enough sessions are planned.

Person receiving Reiki with Wellness With Infinite Heart

Ready to see how a session could benefit your horse, pet, animal, or yourself - in person or remotely? Contact me!

Prices are subject to change without notice